Finding Peace follows the relationship between Miss Mazey and Jamie as they travel through the obstacles, twists, and turns of Christian living. Miss Mazey will astound you as she gently teaches Biblical principles in answer to life’s problems. She lovingly guides us through the challenges that often grip us as we go about our daily lives. Her lessons will bless you as you learn what it takes to live a peaceful, rich, and rewarding life.
Finding Peace will touch your heart as you share in Jamie’s enlightenment. The characters will grow on you as you walk with them and reflect on your own journey. You are assured to ponder the ways you handle situations and circumstances along the way. Walk with Jamie through self-discovery as she answers the questions, “Why am I here?” and “What am I to do?”
Take a word from Miss Mazey; “Whatever it is that calms your soul and lifts you to a curiosity about your Creator, that is what you are meant to do to set you on the path to peace.”